Josh Clouse


UC Santa Cruz Graduate | Unity Developer | Software Engineer

"Intelligent, motivated, driven. Please hire me."

-Josh Clouse(2021)

About Me

Congratulations! You are this site's 1000th visitor! Click here to claim your prize! For those of you not brave enough to click that link, it just links back here. Hi, I'm Josh. I'm a game designer and software engineer. I graduated from UC Santa Cruz with a degree in Computer Science: Game Design. After graduating college I worked as a Unity developer for a year at Leia Inc where I developed 3D interactive demos to showcase their displays. Currently I've shifted into web development, working at Veeva Systems on the vault reporting team. There I help to develop both the front and backend of their web app.

In my free time I enjoy writing and playing music. I'm currently in a band. I'd provide a link to our page, but I think we need a bit more practice before I have that kind of confidence. If you are in need of a Unity Dev, Software Developer, or would just like to be serenaded feel free to contact me at My Linkedin and Github are also provided above.



05/21 - Current

Veeva is a web application that provides document management services for the life science industry. I work as part of the Vault Reporting team where we provide users the ability to sort, filter, and organize their data into simplified "at a glance" views. I work as a full stack engineer where we leverage Java, MySql, and Solr for our backend, as well as Javascript, Jquery, and React for our frotend.

Leia Inc.

03/20 - 04/21

Worked on the automotive team to create interactive 3D applications in Unity to showcase the capabilites of our 3D displays. Planned, designed, and executed a complete re-design of the auto demo to increase sustainability and maintainability for future builds and development. Created general use scripts to unify color settings, sizing, and scaling to allow our application to easily port to all our devices. Worked closely with UI designers to implement their designs into our application. Developed the internal and external SDK and aided in getting Leia as a verified Unity partner.

ID Tech

05/19 - 09/19

Worked as a lead instructor at one of the ID Tech campuses in Livermore. Taught courses on the following subjects: Java, Unity, Unreal. In addition to my duties as a teacher, I also completed administartive tasks such as medical sheets, expense reports, attendance etc. Due to my position as lead instructor I also given the responsibility of managing my other instructors providing guidance and assistance when necessary.



